Monday, August 29, 2011

What I understand about Post Modernism

I am going to be honest here and tell that I have never heard the word Post Modernism so far! My first thought about it was something that is interpreted to prevail after the modern era. After reading the article, I understood that Postmodernism in short is anything that is against modernism and follows anything that is opposite to modernism.
The word now gives me a flash back of memories. I come from India and India is a country that has lot of superstitious beliefs. If everything that the present generation Indians do to go against those beliefs called modernism, then the superstitions can be called post modernism.
Some of the beliefs are, a person is not suppose to cross his/her legs front of someone, its a bad omen if milk, oil or turmeric spills and if a mirror or glass breaks, you are not suppose to cut your nails or comb your hair after 6pm because thats when the Gods come into your home. The list goes like this and this is just in the state where I lived. A friend of mine who is from a different state told me that its a good omen if milk spills in their state. Most of them don't follow these anymore. Some older generations say that its a bad omen that they don't follow it anymore and thats why the world is coming to an end! I believe that its all in what we think and believe. Most artists who are remembered are the ones who have done brilliant works and made bold attempts. I would say that one among them is Dan Brown. His books inspired me in a lot of ways viz., story narration, taking up topics that very sensitive and giving proofs for everything he writes. Similarly, some of Da Vinci's and Michaelangelo's paintings.
There are too many things in this world to worry about like violence, poverty, etc. Why go against something and try pointing the faults?

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