Monday, September 12, 2011

Analog and Digital

As the reading (Being Analog) has stated, humans are biological animals and are inherently analog beings..
Personally, I just don't know how much I agree with that, at least nowadays.

I think it really has a lot to do with the time period you were born in. I was born in 1990 when the computer and technological craze was at its forefront. Looking back, I always remember growing up having a personal computer, albeit much slower, I still had one and used it all the time. When I was little I used to go over my friends houses to play super nintendo, or link up our gameboys to battle each other. It was a different time with different ways of communicating and entertaining ourselves, one that somebody who was born just 10 years before I wouldn't have experienced.

If I had gotten assigned a huge 12 page essay, I know how I would plan it out right away. Do as much research as I can on the computer, maybe dabble a little bit in a couple books (which I would of researched on google first to see which served my purpose the best anyway) then I would make an outline on microsoft word and go from there. Someone in their 40's or older would probably have a completely different plan and would maybe even look down on my own. I am not speaking for everybody, but the question of whether "we" are analog or digital beings seems too complex. There are people who cant turn on the computer, and who would love spending coutless hours in the library with paper and pen busting out a huge essay, and there are also people who are so tech-savy they dont even know what a book is, and every possible combination inbetween.

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