Friday, September 30, 2011

As We May Think

          Although many part of this article seemed a bit "above my head,” I was intrigued while reading Vannevar Bush's article.  I ended up reading through it a few times because, while I acknowledge V. Bush's determination in future predictions, I came to see that his work is closer to sharing a vision/ his believed vision.  There is definitely a difference between the two; when one is looking at the future through eyes of vision, the future becomes equally about the journey, not just the outcome.  
Today, we seem to focus more on the outcome, especially when it involves technology and design.   While I believe that the outcome is just as important as the process, so often the process is so often forgotten, even by those who are working through it, because so much stress is placed on the outcome.  I really think that’s unfortunate because as V. Bush reminds us: “Whenever logical processes of thought are employed—that is, whenever thought for a time runs along an accepted groove—there is an opportunity for the machine.”  So, outcome can only ever be the result of logical processes and development.
I think this is why we were asked to read this article.   It reminds us to think of the inconceivable, and to be participators in developing this inconceivable until it reaches fruition.  The final result may not match the original idea, but much can be learned by living the process.

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