Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ways of Communication Present and Past

Communication in today's would not only be face to face and phone conversation, it would also be considered as social networking and medias such as texting, face-booking and tweeting. That is where most of us communicate with each other and gather information from each other. Now that compared with how society gathered and communicated information with each other is a pretty big difference on many levels. Back in 1948 when the Shannon-Weaver model was first established, communication then was just considered face to face, mail, phone conversation and binary codes through limited computers. Even though there were such limited was of communication compared to today I believe the process of the model essentially applies how information is communicated today through those mediums.

For example, a message is conveyed through a social network such as a facebook message. I am the sender, the encoder is my laptop, the channel is the internet, the noise can be internet connection or even the way internet understands my text. The reception is twitter itself, and finally the receiver is the person who is reading my message and the laptop they are reading it off of. This example compared to an example I found about a telephone conversation uses the same format, the only difference is that today through this new form of communication, there are more factors to consider when breaking down the model.

So communication today can be passed thorough many forms than it was back in the late 40s, but it may be that Shannon had considered that when making this model. Even through its criticism of being so simple, simplicity can sometime be key in a any type of design. This model shows that it can be applied to every way of communication to date the only factor is the different ways that can be used for each element.  

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