Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Pen is Mightier Than the Mouse?

All professors preach to students these days to pick a pencil and draw first. This seems elementary to us these days as we have these powerful tools at our hands. The thing is when you take away the drawing and old fashion wrist work you start off at a disadvantage. I have personally never skipped that step, even though I know I can't draw at all well. In my Sociology class last semester we talk about how analog and digital people are all around the world. It was a lecture recorded and plays to a video of a guy drawing along with what the speaker was saying on a white board. Though the talk was about how the world was becoming more digital and losing some analog ways, it was shown completely analog. Even now in explaining myself I have a small notebook and a pencil with little notes to myself for this post.  

The odd thing is technology is at the point of phasing out itself. Who uses there cellphone to call people? Why call when I could text?  Texting in itself can be considered more analog then talking on the phone. The phone is the tool to write down the message and send it. As humans we must start to see where we are going to be heading with communication. Our language is seemingly fusing with technology, and so are our lives.

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