Thursday, September 22, 2011

Life is about choices!

     The whole matter of Intellectual Property is really a two-edged sword—I think there will always be both favorable and unfavorable consequences depending upon which side of the issue you find yourself, or depending upon whether or not you believe there are ethical implications when it comes to IP.  Personally, I like to be able to grab images or materials and “tweek” them a bit to make them “my own” because often times I just need the idea to get me started, and most often the final result isn’t anything close to the material that gave me the impetus that got me started.   I’m also not in a position where the materials I create will be used or sold in a public forum, as was the case with Shepard Fairey (who in my opinion didn’t do anything wrong because copyright laws do not support ideas and artistic styles).  If that were the case I think I would definitely not feel the same way about the use of materials I find online.
     With that being said, I also do believe and support the notion that the use of Intellectual Property encompasses a certain ethical standard by which all peoples should be held.  It is wrong to “steal” materials—plain and simple.  We have laws in place to provide incentives to authors, artists, musicians, producers, etc. to continue to create materials for us to enjoy.  Hopefully these laws will also afford them the opportunity to acquire JUST wages for their creations.  I think it’s wrong when I hear of people copying software, online subscriptions, music, etc., and/ or downloading things for FREE when they know they’re not open source.  Then, they share these files with others—so now two people are participating in an unethical IP practice.  The cycle never seems to end with these types of practices and I don’t think they ever will—Life is about choices!—even in the IP arena.

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