Monday, September 26, 2011

Intellectual Property

I think Intellectual property should be relevant, but IP is never respected anymore. The creator of the piece should backup files on a flash drive just so the date and time are recorded. The problem with intellectual property is that people can edit, duplicate, and rearrange an artist’s piece. Photoshop to edit images, and audacity to record anything put on YouTube. The internet made it easier for users to copy and paste; so finding every instance where an artist’s creation was stolen, or used, is extremely difficult. I feel that what is stolen, and who it’s stolen from, are the main factors.

Madonna, Dr.Dre, and Metallica had their music stolen off of Napster; and because they have the power and money they helped bring down the Napster network. Monica Guadio wouldn’t be able to stop a company like Napster. Griggs was right about the internet being a public domain, but every artist has a right to claim their work. The reason I think it’s still relevant is because of Guadio’s supporters. The supporters made the matter relevant; they changed the outcome. Before any action can be taken, intellectual property has to be proven. Obviously Griggs response proved to the supporters that Guadio was the owner. It was originally her intellectual property, and she should have been respected. On a difficult topic like this, the original owner needs to document and prove their work. If not, the fight is useless.

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