Sunday, September 18, 2011

Need or emotion

After a few hours of driving in which I was able to float the differences of creativity against innovation; I was focused on what I feel is the basic and fundamental difference between the two . Creativity is something that is born out of your soul. It may not have logic or make complete sense but it speaks from somewhere in the creators being and becomes a part of them. Innovation born from a need. It may not always look pretty or be a wonderful thing to look at. It fills a need to fix or repair something that is found to be lacking. Yes I know it sounds kinda like a Websters definition. I don't believe in clouding the distinctions too much. The more you add to it the more the core of the terms gets lost.

How does creativity and innovation apply to the present digital conversation? At present I feel that the innovation of the digital medium is taking president over the creativity. I think that is in part due to specific needs having to be addressed in the back end of things. Does it mean that innovation doesn't influence the creativity? Not at all, I think at some point in the digital medium they begin to feed off each other and then begin to push the boundaries of the medium. With new innovations the possibilities of the creative process can be expanded. With new ideas and vision comes new directions of innovation.

1 comment:

  1. "Not at all, I think at some point in the digital medium they begin to feed off each other and then begin to push the boundaries of the medium."

    Good to see someone found a good way to word that statement, I failed to think of a proper wording myself.
