Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shark Tank

     My first reaction to this assignment begins when reading the vs.” between the words creativity and innovation.  There is definitely a distinction to be made between them—I see creativity as being the enhancement of a concept or something that already exists, and innovation as being a completely new concept that is developed and shared meant to advance us in a particular direction.   Therefore, I don’t like the use of vs.” because I believe both are invaluable contributions to the world of Digital Design.

     There certainly is a lot of material already out there!  Some is excellent and some not so good, but even though there already is a plethora of great digital design “stuff,” it remains so important for designers to continue to be creative in their interpretation and display of content if they are to make an impact.  It’s not good enough to just make things look nice, as I think is so often a misconception of being creative, so many other elements come into play: functionality, usability, practicality, etc. Keeping this in mind may lead to an innovative response from some designers.   We live in such a power-hungry, consumer-driven world therefore, I think innovation may be viewed as a higher or greater skill to acquire (thinking here of “Shark Tank”--try to "one-up" the other guy), but generally speaking there is a place for those who just want to be like everyone else—we also love our “fads” and the ability to fit-in!

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