Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Creativity vs Innovation

To be innovative, one has to be creative. I believe that everybody is creative. Let me take myself as an example. Before I started my Design program in this school, I never participated in anything that involved arts. Or atleast I wasn't encouraged to. I thought that I was bad in drawing or sketching because I never tried to! I never failed to scribble drawings when I was on phone; my friends and I would take the circuit elements and make jewellery out of it; we use to assign a name to each of the circuit elements, create a story and conduct a mini puppet show; we use to create our own games when bored. a few of the games that we created are, one of us would draw the lyrics in a song and the rest have to find out; one team will translate our native language song exactly in English (word by word) , it will for a very funny sentence and the other team has to find out what song it is. All this means, we were still creative but needed some kind of guidance to use it the right way. After I started my program, it is inexplicable how hard it was for me to even derive ideas for my project and on the top to execute them! Now, after one year of hard work, I am confident enough to say that I am capable of creating good designs. I just had to make the creative part of my brain active.
Innovation is the next step. Everybody are creative in a way. But we need extra something to consider ourselves as an innovator. The picture to the right is the sky park at Singapore! and that what I call innovation!

1 comment:

  1. I have a mixture of thoughts after reading Marcel Duchamp's article and watching Charles Leadbeater's innovation video. My understanding: changing something that already exists to make it better is innovation. Art is art be it good or bad (it is still in the beginning state that needs refining). Consider the feasibility. Every design is unique in a way . The art co-efficient is an arithmetical difference between unexpressed but intended and expressed but unintended.
