Thursday, September 1, 2011

Shannon-Weaver Model and Communication

The old adage …  “There’s a time and place for everything” continually came to mind while reading about the Shannon-Weaver Model and the article by Don Norman.  Certainly, I think that the Shannon-Weaver had a significant impact on what we “understand” communication today, but so many forms of communication have been development since the publication of this model in 1948.  Hence, the relation of this linear system to our understanding of communication today deems us to view it as inappropriate for social communication and all that “social” entails (context, purpose, relationships, influences, etc).  So,  like many things, we need to view them in light of the context in which they were based.
Don Norman made many points that struck me.  I say kudos to him for the following points:
·        “Each generation grows upon the heritage left behind by previous generations.” (hmmm…this sounds like smatterings from our last class discussion)

·        “The amount to be learned about the history, culture and the techniques of modern life increases with time…it takes several decades to become a truly well-educated citizen.”  (Shouldn’t we then really take a GOOD look at our school systems?  It’s impossible to teach all that is required today!)

·        “Each generation benefits from the one before, and the accumulated knowledge leads to more rapid change.”  (so then, everyone is a pioneer in their own right—this is social acceptance)

·        “People excel in qualitative considerations, machines at quantitative ones.”  (all I can say is BINGO—we cannot replace people with machines.

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