Monday, November 14, 2011

digital immigrants vs. digital natives

I found the articles involving the concept of digital natives vs. digital immigrants to be rather interesting and thought provoking. I especially found the portion of the Prensky model which described the immigrants' accents to be quite humorous, yet also an appropriate metaphor.  " all immigrants, some better than others – to adapt to their environment, they always retain, to some degree, their "accent," that is, their foot  in the past." I think we could all think of little things that immigrants do that make zero sense to natives but perfect sense to them(for me, my dad printing out his entire user guide for his phone).

This whole description of immigrants, particularly as it pertains to education, reminded me of a concept I learned about in a Personalities and World Cultures course a few semesters ago called "teleconditioning" or "teleconditioned behavior". Essentially, teleconditioned behavior, refers to how new generations are used to being inundated with various stimuli, yet only concentrating on the individual stimuli for a brief span of time.  I found this excerpt from a journal article written by an anthropology professor on how he has altered his classroom procedure and antics to better suit his teleconditioned students.

There definitely is evidence of different thought and learning processes between natives vs. immigrants as a result of their environments; yet, I wonder wear the similarities lie. Although I am considered a native, I was raised by and taught by immigrants. Similarly, although I had computer class in school, and had one or two computers per classroom, I did not consider myself to be so native or teleconditioned until high school, when I got a cell phone and my own laptop. Since then I have definitely fit the native description more definitely. When thinking of my younger cousins, who have been native since birth, and taught by more native teachers in more electronic environment, I see few similarities to immigrants. Sure, my cousins read before going to bed, but they now sometimes read on kindles. They complete homework electronically, and play educational games on wii or xbox.
I wonder about the detriments of native vs. immigrant behavior, with relation to teleconditioned behavior. I think that the shortened attentions spans and constant multitasking may limit or prohibit deep, pensive, singular thoughts. On the other hand, the ability to process large amounts of information and stimuli simultaneously is definitely advantageous in terms of widespread productivity. I think that while both natives and immigrants exist, we will continue to notice this tension, especially in the classroom and workplace. I'm slightly concerned with what will happen as immigrants become extinct. I think we might lose the ability to think, concentrate, and specialize on one area only. Similarly, I am concerned that we will only have digital metaphors, and lose the realities which they represent.

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