Friday, November 18, 2011


I can remember about a year of so ago when there was an up roar on Facebook with everyone being upset that your cell phone number was being published. The mad dash to correct this injustice was like a group of stampeding buffalo. Everyone was in such a panic with daily post of "How can they do that?" or "We must protect our privacy!"

I just had to laugh at everyone. The loudest people to worry about their "privacy" were the same ones that practically post their entire lives online or are such big online consumers that their info is already out there. People live under this misrepresentation that their private info isn't online. I can find out anything I want about any person as long as I have an address or phone number.

Now I might be in a some what unique position in that I own a company and can get access to that kind of info; but at the same time I have heard of others being able to do the same things. My overall feeling about the topic of internet privacy is if you don't want anyone; and I do mean anyone; to not find out about something then don't put it any where on the internet. Even hiding behind screen names and cute icons you are not safe. If someone wants to really find out about you there are ways out there for them to do it. Its not always legal but we are no longer in a safe world. Don't mean to be doom and gloom just one more facet of our new modern lives.

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