Monday, November 14, 2011

Only a little kick

I have been thinking for a very long time that people young and old are going to need new ways of being brought into experiences. I read the Digital Natives piece with a slightly different bent to it. Taking the arguments that where brought up and applying them to how to engage anyone. I guess I have a unique perspective in that I have an autistic son, so I have had to think outside the norm in order to draw my son into things.

A point that kept coming to mind as I was reading was that in many ways what needs to be done is to immerse people in a learning experience. So how does this all apply to being a designer? Very simple, the old ways of just print or web only based design is out the window. You can no longer think along a single line of output. If you aren't touching on a number of senses with a project then you are going to miss a large number of your audience.

Those digital immigrants are being drug along and are adapting faster than ever. Why is this? No body wants to be left behind. This doesn't apply to every "immigrant" but it does apply to enough of them that it makes it important to not just focus your design energies on one single market. The more people get into what you are doing the better a success you will have.

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