Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Check out "Social Media Examiner"

I like statistics, and while statistics can be skewed to represent a certain biased, for the most part, if presented well, they are what they are.  So in preparing for this blog assignment I searched for stats as they relate to social networking.  To my surprise I can across this awesome site and comprehensive study (I think they have a new fan):

You can download the Media Marketing Report, which is really interesting, but I also went through a few of the categories and literally spent hours looking through the wealth of information.  I think you’ll find it interesting, too.  (Check out under expert interviews, “Attacking the Myths of Social Media: An Interview with Jason Falls”)
            I certainly believe that social media is beneficial for many reasons, and I love Jason Falls comment about the use of social media for business reasons, “if all you think social media is about is joining the conversation, engaging, holding hands in a circle and singing “Kumbaya,” then you’re not going to be in business very long.”  I really think this sums up the power of social media well, BUT like anything else, if we become slave to it, it can also have its downfalls.  We are all aware of the tragic effects social media has had on youth, through events such as cyber bullying—they are nearly impossible to regulate—so we must be prepared to take the bad with the good.   So many times this semester the word “balance” has come to mind, and so I remind us of the importance of balance when it comes to social media. 

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