Monday, October 17, 2011

For my topic today i decided to discuss both the Conway's law and Occam's Razor. This is because I find that they work well together when planning and executing a project of any kind. Occam's theory focuses on the value of using simplicity when explaining anything. Personally I think that is a great way to go about doing so because I like have trouble focusing during long moments and/or discussions so I love it when people keep it short and simple with me, and going straight to the point. I do this a lot in my everyday life even when I'm telling stories because I don't like going into unnecessary detail with a lot of things. I find it a waste of your time and other people's time when you decide to explain something and to go more in-depth than need be because it becomes too confusing and sometimes your audience looses the point you were trying to make. 

Conway's law can be related to Occam's razor theory because it focuses on working together and communication with one another when designing and implementation. This is very important because without communication between these two parties the final product won't look cohesive between the designing and production. Using Occam's razor theory within this law would aid the effectiveness of the communication between parties because the information that is shared would be simple and straight to the point leaving no room for questions and over analyzing the process. Learning about both this theory and law I can use this in my everyday life whether independent design and working for school and eventually my career. 

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