Monday, October 17, 2011


I chose Occam’s Razor as the theory I will talk about. Occam's Razor states that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one, which also reminds me of the quote, "If you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough." It seems to me that designing is trending now towards the extremely simple. Big pictures, few words, minimalistic color schemes, etc. Often times I will be designing a site and think that it's just not doing it for me, and then I'll take off a pattern, or remove some text and the overall feel of my design will become light years better. Even very deep and complex information can be shown in a simple manner, the real challenge should be presenting it, not explaining it.
 Think about company logos for a few seconds. Some of the most iconic images are the most basic. Take the Nike "swoosh" for instance. No other symbol is as widely recognized throughout the world and it is basically just a stroke. Or how about the McDonald's "golden arches"? Or the Mercedes logo? All of these are incredibly simple but 99% of people you show them to will know what they are within seconds. They were created that way for specific reasons: to build a brand and to communicate information quickly.

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