Sunday, October 16, 2011

Keep it simple?

OK so I read through all of the readings and sat back for a moment to try and figure out how to apply them to anything I might be working. Not that the concepts were overly complex I just didn't see the practical applications at first. In an interview I found with Tesler I began to see the directions and best implications.

There are times when we are creating/building things that we really need to pull ourselves out of our comfort zone and truly place our attentions on the end user. Is it fair of us to make things simple on the back end if the person using our creation has a harder time using it? Who should benefit the most from things being simple?

From my perspective I truly believe that the end user is the one that should get all the benefits of things being simple. The more complex it is for them the less likely they are to use the product. Then where was the advantage to make it simple for the creator?

Having dealt too many times with complex and over thought products and programs, I just want to be able to get up and running as fast as possible. I don't have time to read War and Peace to work the latest gadget that I have purchased. If it takes two more days of development to make it better than it should be done. Don't leave a bad taste in my mouth because you had to make it simpler for yourself.

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