Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Facebook

Facebook is the world's largest social network, with 800 million users worldwide as of September 2011. Founded by Mark Zukerberg, while he was  in his sophomore year, initialy it was accessible to only Harvard students and then it expanded to other colleges, high schools,  countries and now presently accessible to anyone who is above 13 years of age. Well, a study shows there are more than 7.5 million children under 13 having facebook account.The countries with highest facebook accounts are United States, United Kingdom and Indonesia. Acccording to a survey in the year 2006, facebook was the second most popular thing, followed by ipod among the undergraduates. Release of statistics by DoubleClick showed that Facebook reached one trillion page views in the month of June 2011, making it the most visited Website in the World outstanding even Google.

The use and popularity of facebook is not alien to anyone. It has taken a quick growth in the increase of its users ever since it was founded. It has made the social media easier than before. Moreover, it has formed a social media site on an international base. When I came to USA in August 2010, I heard many people talking about My Space. But it is not so famous social media site in India. Strangely, facebook helped me to contact with many students and get a review of Philadelphia University while I was in India.  I know this could have happened the other way also. But chatting with students of Philadelphia University made me feel comfortable before I actually came to USA. Even after I came here, facebook has been a real help to me to be in contact with my friends and family members back in India on a regular basis. It is not possible to call everyone daily, but the news feed feature is a real convenience to know what are my friends and relatives up to. 

The simplicity in designs and user experience is one of the prime feature of facebook. Whenever, the thought of using multi-colors in my webpage designs comes to my mind, I think of facebook and its popularity with only two colors, color- scheme. I cannot deny the fact that facebook has become an integral part of my life, done almost on a regular basis. It has helped me find out my school friends departed for more than 15 years,  helped me to make new  friends, given a voice to share my opinions and feelings about something. Another good factor of social media website like facebook is it helps to spread information rapidly. There was an act of anti-corruption going on in India in August 2011 on a wide base.  Facebook was used as medium by public to show their support and share thoughts. 

But as every coin has its both sides, facebook has its cons too. The overuse of facebook has declined the work efficiency of people. These days most corporate companies are banning the use of facebook among its employers. Moreover, there are many issues regarding the privacy concerns of facebook. In my opinion, everything has its pros and cons.  On the whole, facebook is a huge success in a very short period of  time.

Source:1.            2.

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