Monday, October 10, 2011

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

There are a few blogs that I follow on a regular basis, but I can’t say that I’m as faithful as I used to be.  I really haven’t even had the time to write on my own blog, but I do like that there is a forum where people can share ideas on a particular subject and get feedback on their own theories, creations, and ideas. 

My two favorite are: Under the Sycamore Tree by Macrina Wiederkehr ( and 2¢ Worth by David Warlick (  Under the Sycamore Tree is a spiritual blog kept by my favorite spiritual writer, and since I know her on more of a personal level, I do love to see what divine and mystical wisdom she has to offer for the day.  I also enjoy reading the comments others have written—most are just quips of support and encouragement but every once in a while there is a challenging thought that causes me to pause and think deeper about something.  Most of Macrina’s writing makes me do that anyhow.

When I began teaching technology a few years back, I came across the blog 2¢ Worth.  I love this blog!  First of all, it is created by an educator, and secondly it has been a great resource for me.  There is a wealth of information ranging for practical teaching methods to the newest tech gadget—it’s worth a look!

All-in-all I like to know about the newest trends via tech communication but I’m really not “into” a lot that is out there.  I still mostly use email for my preferred method of communication. I don’t know if it’s because that is what is still used by most of the people I communicate with on a daily basis, but to me it serves my purpose.  I’m a huge fan of the phrase: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” 

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